Sunday, September 17, 2006

Spring Fair Photo Report

Showers and outbreaks of sun for our Spring Fair, but the mood was sunny throughout. Class 3 & 4's choir sang.

Faces were painted with a myriad of wondrous creatures: dragons and butterflies, dolphins and cheetahs, snakes and mermaids.

The braai and lunch stall served great burgers, sausages, chicken, salads, curry bunnies all through the day to children and parents, hungry from their exertions on the bouncy castle and in the races.

The sack races had everyone tumbling in the sand and winning lollipops.

The craft stall provided a quiet retreat in a classroom, where children's work was also on view.

And my family? The older two children had a whale of a time. Armed with loads of R1 tickets they had a go on every game offered by the older children, winning masses of lollipops and bubble gum, to be consumed then and there. They bounced, both chose dragons on their faces, and I hardly saw them till the end of the day. Youngest however was a little overwhelmed by the whole thing and was glued to my side throughout, which got a little hard when it was my turn to be serving lunches. My official photographer role (due to lack of competition, as my husband could only stay a short while) was slightly hampered by the cling-on creature, but we managed fine!

Here's our school's website if you're interested in it. I'm going to put more photos up there in the next few days.


  1. I bet it won't be very many years until the cling-on creature turns into an eager games participant! :o)

    To Love, Honor and Dismay

  2. Thanks for sharing the photos. I love seeing what schools are like in other parts of the world. I'll check out the website , too.

  3. What wondrous pictures! Thanks for sharing this glimpse into your children's school. Lots of good, positive energy going in those pics.

  4. I enjoy photos of your world, to hear and see how you live. It is as if I can hear the sounds of your school, the music of it!


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